Celebrate the dormition of Virgin Mary!

You feel like some spiritual atmosphere, uplifting music and some interesting Greek traditions? Then you should definitely not miss the big celebration in honour of the Dormition of the virgin Mary at 15th of August, because this is one of the most important religious holidays in Greece!

Let’s visit the Homerion Cultural Center of Chios

Chios is a place with a great culture and people are keeping, taking care of and spreading it. The Homerion Cultural Center of Chios Municipality is one of the places where you can watch it happening. This place is a wonderful cultural center situated in the capital of Chios Island. Because of a generous donation to the Municipality by Michael and Stamatia Xylas in December 1985 the building of this special center could be realized. The center became a legal entity in 1989 and offers a big amount of cultural shows, exhibitions, theatre plays, workshops and lessons since then. It is […]