Mesta – medieval spirit at it’s best!

Mesta lies on the southwest part of Chios, 35 kilometers away from the capital, in small treeless valleys far from the sea, on the wider expanse of Mastichoria (gr. – “Mastixochoria” means “villages that produce mastic”). Its harbor is four kilometers away from the village, because for protection reasons Mesta was not built directley next to the sea. This village-castle remains perfectly preserved since the Byzantine period and it has been designated as a listed monument. The unity of the houses’ walls and structures in the periphery obviously functioned as a strong fortification wall. It is the best conserved and […]


On Chios you can find plenty of beautiful beaches, one of those is Giosonas – The name’s origin is the mythical hero of antiquity with the name Giasonas (engl. version: Jason). People say that this god passed the place during the Argonaut’s expedition on his quest to retrieve the Golden Fleece. The beach with smooth pebbles and crystal clear water seems to be endless. The waters are deep blue or green, depending on the light and the time of day. Giosonas opens wide to the Aegean Sea and offers a restful and relaxing holiday. The location is pretty quiet, with […]

Celebrate the dormition of Virgin Mary!

You feel like some spiritual atmosphere, uplifting music and some interesting Greek traditions? Then you should definitely not miss the big celebration in honour of the Dormition of the virgin Mary at 15th of August, because this is one of the most important religious holidays in Greece!

Komi – the ideal beach for every age!

On Chios Island you will quickly get used to the advantages of stony beaches: You don’t have sand everywhere in your beach bag and after you put sun lotion you will not look like a giant Schnitzel! But of course sometimes we all need a little sand in our holidays at one point and don’t you worry: Of course an Island as multifaceted as Chios has many different types of beaches and the best example for a perfect sand beach is KOMI! Komi beach is located in the south part of the island and is one of a few sandy […]

I want to ride my bicycle

So in case you are not a fan of cars and buses, you can also just rent a bicycle to cruise around a bit in Chios city. Just be carefull in the traffic, the Greek drivers are known to be a bit faster than they should be. This is also a good opportunity to explore some nice beaches around the city. Plus the Greek sweets will melt immediately from your hips! But I have to tell you, that renting a bike is not the ideal solution if you want to see more places on the island. Chios might not be […]

Witness the Greek Pentecost!

If you decided to visit Chios not only for it’s beauty but to have a first hand experience of the interesting Greek culture, you definitely should not miss the orthodox Pentecost festivities at the end of may and beginning of June!   In the Eastern Orthodox Church, Pentecost is one of the Orthodox Great Feasts and is celebrated with an All-night Vigil on the eve of the feast day. On Pentecost Sunday, Pentikostis, the distribution of the Holy Spirit is celebrated. Each year it is celebrated 50 days after the Orthodox Easter, which will be the 1st of June 2015 […]

Learn some Greek!

What better venue to learn Greek than on on of Greeces most beautiful Islands? I’m telling you, the Greek language is not as hard as it seems, just try it! If you are this kind of traveller, who is unbelievably excited before every trip, I have some usefull words and phrases to focus your travel engery on:

What is unique about Chios? Yep, the mastic!

If you ask the locals for a unique souvenir of this lovely Island, I promise you everyone will recommend you the same thing: Mastic! The chiots are very proud of it alright, but they also have reason to: From chewing gum over body lotion until glue (I’m not kidding!), Mastic is a real allrounder and can be used for literally everything. Especially the south of Chios is full of tiny Mastic trees and the villages there are generally called mastic villages, because their economy is mostly based on the cultivation, harvesting, production of different products. The local people there are […]