Learn some Greek!

What better venue to learn Greek than on on of Greeces most beautiful Islands? I’m telling you, the Greek language is not as hard as it seems, just try it! If you are this kind of traveller, who is unbelievably excited before every trip, I have some usefull words and phrases to focus your travel engery on:

Get yourself a car!

The cool thing about an Island is, that you can explore literally everything in a normal amount of time! And of course especially in summer buses will carry you everywhere you want (and here a little tip for fans of vintage Volkswagen buses: Take the bus to Mesta, believe me this is the by far coolest public bus you will ever ride with in your life!). To make sure you really see everything you desire to, it is highly recommended to rent a car. This is easy and not even expensive, and if you want your trip to be planned […]

Get used to the Greek timetable

Don’t worry if your bus is not as punctual as you might wish, the bus will show up! But if you plan to go a little further than only around the city, please check at the bus station in the port of Chios City if there is actually a bus coming at the day you want (especially in winter the weekend is sadly not that well connected but during the working days you should not have a problem!). If you are not convinced to personally go to the bus station, here is why: the buses that drive further than just […]