Spend some Quality-Time at Lithi Beach!

There is a very special location on Chios Island waiting for you – the wonderful beach of Lithi. It is located in a cove, on the western coast of the island. Its sand is soft and the clear blue water is mirror-like. The bay slopes very gently and would be absolutely perfect for children, especially those learning to swim or not yet confident in the sea. The beach has free sunshades and loungers, basic but perfectly adequate changing facilities, a fresh water shower and easy access to free wi-fi. The tiny seaside settlement behind the beach is famous for its […]

Protection at it’s best: Anavatos

Anavatos is a byzantine tower-village in the center of Chios Island. Due to its location on a large granite rock at the end of a cliff, the ancient city towers majestically above the surrounding area. Although it is a deserted village, it has still preserved its history, which is often sensed by the visitor when wandering through its stone-paved streets. The town has often been associated with the Greek War of Independence in 1821 and the massacres of 1822, who represent an important part in history of the island. The village of Anavatos got its name originally from the Greek […]